Welcome to the Notre Dame Soft Materials Innovation Laboratory + Education!

Various polymer assemblies and the evolution of a polymer crystal

Our multidisciplinary research group utilizes multimodal characterization approaches to understand and engineer soft materials from the molecular to macroscale. We apply these fundamental principals to applications in  manufacturing, environmental sustainability, brain health, and global food security. Additionally, we value translational research and thus continually strive to strategically position our discoveries to have a longitudinal impact on global job creation through product development and/or strengthening our US K-12 STEM pipeline through lesson plan and K-12 module development. Please click around to learn more about our team and research endeavors! For prosepective students, media inquires, collaboration interests, or if you would like to fund our research, please email Principal Investigator Gabriel R. Burks at gburks2@nd.edu.


Lab values (accessible, ethical, courageous, inclusive, & empathetic) overlayed onto materials science core principles (structure, characterization, properties, processing, & performance) which all inform our practice of soft materials engineering

Our Lab Values

Our lab is a place where diversity, mutual respect, creativity, hard work, camaraderie, frequent communication, community engagement, idea exploration, and safe risk-taking are valued and encouraged. We believe that these values are essential for creating a positive and productive scientific community and are committed to upholding them in all that we do.

Want to learn more or join our team?

We are actively recruiting driven, competitive, societally aware, and intelligent aspiring scholars to join our team! Students with diverse skillsets and non-traditional experiences who are interested in the complex world of polymer exploration and making the world a better place for all, please send me an email gburks2@nd.edu. Let's talk about your interests and map out a career pathway for you!

To keep up with our group news, recent publications, and active lab opportunities follow us on X (Formerly Known As Twitter)!

  Follow @ND_SMILE_LAB